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Friday, July 3, 2015

Terminator Genisys Movie Review

This is like the 6th blockbuster starring Jai Courtney in the past 3 years, the spelling of Genisys is truly the least of our problems. 

He's back. Again. From Alan Taylor, director of the underwhelming movie with a bunch of explosions and fighting (Thor 2), as well as the show with Emilia Clarke and zombies (Game of Thrones), comes Terminator Genisys- the underwhelming movie with a bunch of explosions and fighting, as well as Emilia Clarke and a zombie named Jai Courtney. It is a given that the last 2 Terminator films were huge disappointments. While Genisys may be the best Terminator film since T2, I'm still not oblivious to the fact that this movie was thoroughly underwhelming. Despite this, it definitely had it's moments. The callbacks to the past films were not as annoying as they appeared in the trailers. Sarah Connor telling Kyle Reese to "come with her if he wants to live" didn't seem like a lazy rehash from what came before it, but a nice subversion from the original film that fit the overall story. Another saving grace is Schwarzenegger himself. He can do the role in his sleep, which is more of a testament to the simplicity of the character than of his acting ability. Beyond Arnie and some cool moments, including a well-choreographed scene taking place on the Golden Gate Bridge, the film falls completely flat. The dialogue is cheesy, the attempts at humor seem forced and half-hearted, the overabundance of CGI is obnoxious, Emilia Clarke doesn't bring the Sarah Connor grit we loved so much from Linda Hamilton, the timeline and overall plot is more convoluted than any of the past Terminator films, and Jai Courtney is in this movie. Why do they still cast Jai in movies? Just...why? The past couple of years have been very interesting in terms of rebooting disgraced franchises. The Planet of the Apes series, X-Men, Mad Max, Jurassic Park, 21 Jump Street, Godzilla, Superman, and later this year, Star Wars. All of these films, more or less, shocked the world and made films on par or superior to what came before (besides Superman). Even though the cast seemed off, and the director is mediocre in my eyes, I still had high hopes for Terminator Genisys. Studios are beginning to realize that if you craft a good product and slap a popular name on it, money and positive reviews will rake in. But all this movie proved was that the Terminator story should have stopped after number two. Final Grade: C