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Thursday, July 10, 2014

Snowpiercer Movie Review

Something Special

Snowpiercer is not your average action movie; it is so much more than that. Director Joon-Ho Bong directs the film starring Chris Evans and John Hurt. Snowpiercer takes place in a dystopian future where an attempt to prevent global warming backfires and kills all life on earth, expect those who boarded the Snowpiercer; a train that travels non-stop across the globe. In the train, a class system evolves. The people in the front of the train being prosperous and living a life of luxury, the people in the back of the train being beaten, dehumanized, and without hope. The film centers around Curtis (Chris Evans), as he leads a revolution to get to the front of the train and regain hope for the rest of the citizens from the back. Despite this great and innovative premise, based of off the french graphic novel "Le Transperceneige", it's Bong's fresh direction and keen eye for detail that takes the film to the top of the 2014 movie list. There are so many things that are executed perfectly in this film, the only real downside being the fact that's it's a limited release. 

The action, the story, the characters, the tension, everything; utterly spectacular. The acting was also one of Snowpiercer's best elements. Chris Evans recently stated that he's considering giving up acting. Chris- Please don't. Evans' performance in this movie was one of the best and most gripping performances I've seen all year, and undoubtedly the best one of his career. Everyone else does a good job, particularly actor Kang-ho Song. While all actors do their job, and very well, it truly is Evans who steals the show and keeps the audience invested. His character has depth, twists, and an uncanny ability to relate to the audience; despite a third act twist. The action in the film is also spectacular. It's not over the top, it is extremely well crafted and realistic and is present to keep the story moving; quite literally. No over-blown special effects, not an over-abundance of shaky-cam, just gritty and exciting, fight-for-you-life action. You understand the high stakes throughout, and the characters are done so well that you are invested in their stories and want to see them achieve success. In the end, it pisses me off so much that films like Transformers 4 make $100 million in it's opening weekend and quality action cinema like this gets a limited release. It may be out of your way, but I suggest every sees this film, It truly is one of the best films of the year. Final Rating: A

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