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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Pacific Rim Review

Pacific Rim: The Thinking man's Transformers.

It is big, loud, shiny, and one of the most fun film experiences I've ever had. Director Guillermo Del Toro directs this action-packed robot extravaganza that is why IMAX should exist. PACIFIC RIM. Going into this movie, I was deeply worried it would just be like Transformers. I saw big robots fighting other things and that's just where my mind went. About 5 minutes into this movie is when I discovered I was dead wrong. Comparing Pacific Rim to Transformers is like comparing Star Wars: Episode IV to Wing Commanders just because there is fighting in space. They are not the same thing! Pacific Rim's story is actually pretty interesting. These huge monsters called Kaijus (literally translated into "strange creature") are coming up from a portal at the bottom of the Pacific River. Humanity doesn't know how to deal with these monsters because more and more come out every week, so the world unites together to create a new program to make these huge robots and save the day! After seeing Man of Steel, I was worried that the action sequences were going to be drawn out and gratuitous, thankfully I was incorrect. Pacific Rim delivers some of the most remarkable action sequences to date.  The only down-side to this movie would be the script. Let's just say, the script was no Usual Suspects. There were definitely some real cringe-worthy moments and lines throughout out the movie. The acting, for the most part, was good. The only performance I didn't care for was from Charlie Hunnum. Some of the scenes he was in made me cringe and prey that Idris Elba's character would just cut him off already. Which brings me to my next point- Idris Elba. Elba is, once again, a total rock star. As a fan of the Wire and a fan of good performances, Elba didn't disappoint.
The action, acting, story, characters, everything ran real smoothly. When you're mind wasn't being blown by the action, your heart was being invested in these characters. Some may say that Pacific Rim rips off movies like Transformers, War of the Worlds, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Battleship, even Godzilla. Well, to those people I say this. Pacific Rim is not original, it's not a new, profound idea, it is a solid movie that is like a lot of other movies in plot, but is far superior in quality. Final Rating- A-

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