The Great Gatsby just may be the finest piece of American literature created. The movies that were made based off of the Great Gatsby, on the other hand, are a different story. In 1974, Jack Clayton directed an adaptation of The Great Gatsby staring Robert Redford, and in 2000, director Robert Markowitz directed a TV movie Gatsby film. In both cases, the movies were less than satisfactory. Now, in 2013, Baz Luhrmann directs his adaptation of one of the best books ever made. Compared to the previous Gatsby films, Baz Luhrman's version is easily the best.
The romance in this film is extremely powerful. The chemistry between the two leads, played beautifully by DiCaprio and Carey Mulligan, is undeniable and infectious. Carey Mulligan plays a wonderful version of the ditsy blonde Daisy. The two are undeniably great actors, and you can almost physically feel the love and yearning between the two lovers.
The rest of this talented cast also did an incredible job. Joel Edgerton really brings to life the rich, sleazy character of Tom Buchanan to the big screen. Tobey Maguire was the one casting choice that I was not initially thrilled about. I know he is a solid actor but I didn't think he could pull off such a complicated character as Nick Caraway. I was pleasantly surprised, however, by how well he pulled it off. You can practically feel the relationship between Nick and Gatsby grow as time goes on. Overall, The Great Gatsby is filled with really great actors on the top of their game. The visuals in this film, although over the top at times, really added to the scope of the film and made you really appreciate the smaller scenes of the film. In the end, it is not a perfect movie, but it is definitely the best Gatsby film ever made and very likely the best one that will ever be made. Final Rating- B+
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