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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Kingsman: The Secret Service Movie Review

Slick, Bloody, and Extremely Entertaining. 

From Matthew Vaughn, the director that saved the X-Men franchise after director Brett Ratner took a steaming crap all over it, comes Kinsman: The Secret Service; a movie I like to define as a Bond movie on ecstasy (crack? I don't know drugs).  The film stars Academy Award Winner Colin Firth (King's Speech), 2-time Academy Award winner Michael Caine (The Dark Knight Trilogy), and a chick with a awesome sword as a leg. While that may sound like Oscar bait, it's far from it. Kingsman is undoubtably the best movie on the year, and one of the best action movies I've seen in a while. The film is based off of what I hear is a crazy graphic novel, and it's incredibly fun from start to finish. What I particularly loved about this movie was that it combined everything I loved from Vaughn's previous films- X-Men: First Class and Kick-Ass. It had the fun underdog feel of both films, the gratuitous stylized violence from Kick-Ass, and the fun action training montages from First Class. Matthew Vaughn reported that he turned down the offer from Disney to helm the new Star Wars film so he could do this, and what I wonderful choice indeed. The action scenes, particularly one taking place in a church, were so insane and intense you can't tear your eyes away from the screen. Samuel Jackson also stars in the movie, marking his 400th film this year, as the film's lead lisp-having antagonist. While the lisp can be distracting at times, you grow used to it after the first hour. Overall, the film is exciting and fun. It may not be the smartest movie, the characters might not be as fleshed out as you'd hope, and the lead antagonist's quirks may get old quick, but it makes up for all of it's flaws by presenting and engaging story, innovative action and quick wit. Final Rating- B+

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